The Bomber Mafia follows the stories of a reclusive Dutch genius and his homemade computer, Winston Churchill's forbidding best friend, a team of pyromaniacal chemists at Harvard, a brilliant pilot who sang vaudeville tunes to his crew, and the bomber commander, Curtis Emerson LeMay, who would order the bloodiest attack of the Second World WarThe international bestselling author returns with an exploration of one of the grandest obsessions of the twentieth century 'The Bomber Mafia is a case study in how dreams go awry When some shiny new idea drops from the heavens, it does not land softly in our laps It The Bomber Mafia A Dream, a Temptation, and the Longest Night of the Second World War Malcolm Gladwell Little, Brown and Company, New York, 21, 256 pages Book Review published on Malcolm Gladwell is known for his insightful and interesting treatments of historical events Analysis Of The Bomber Mafia By Malcolm Gladwell By Michael Bias The bomber mafia audiobook ...